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Following the success of Smilestones (painted rocks) in engaging local people with green spaces and the outdoors, Thimble End Hedgehogs has released 19 x 'HogStones' into Walmley's green spaces. The idea that this spreads the word of the TEH message whilst also getting people out and about having fun!















Update 28 March 2020: please be aware that the HogStones were distributed prior to the Coronavirus outbreak and subsequent warnings. Any handling should, therefore, accord with safety guidelines e.g. disinfectant. 


Exciting news - TEH is currently preparing a further 20 HogStones for distribution - this time with rainbow coloured hedgehogs. We will update when these are ready for release into the wild!


The HogStone Hunt


If you find one of these adorable stones - well done! These are small and shiny and not easy to spot. Feel free to take it home as a reminder of the TEH message.


However, it would be great if we could track the movements of the HogStones in the same way we wish to track the Walmley hedgehogs! Therefore, if you are up for it, please join in the HogStone Hunt! Log onto the TEH facebook page and let us know (a) what number it is, and (b) where you found it. That way we can keep track of which HogStones go where and how far they travel.


TEH will update the findings of the HogStone Hunt at regular intervals. 


Below: Soon to be inserted - Map of distributed HogStones February 2020. 





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