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Hedgehog Science 


So how do you know if you have a hedgehog? 


Firstly, look for hedgehog poo! See below screenshot of garden poo quiz recently shared at local school




















Secondly, look for hedgehog footprints. These may be in the mud or snow. A great experiment is to use a footprint tunnel with paper on the base, with food at one end and an ink pad at the other, to tempt any wandering hogs across the pad, into the ink and onto the paper. 















Thirdly, and perhaps the most addictive, is purchase a wildlife camera to capture any activity. I had one for my birthday last year and it remains the single most best present I have ever received. As well as capturing your local hedgehogs, you will get an insight into the nighttime activities of your garden - wood mice, foxes and badgers if you're lucky. Its also interesting to see what your cat (or your neighbours) gets up to whilst you are sleeping! 















Guessthe garden poo.jpg
footprint tunnel.jpg
Bert selfie.JPG
Cat 2.JPG
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